Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What are you reading?

As GLBT History (or Pride, as we call it at UTSA) Month begins, there is a possible ironic twist - this opening overlaps with the 26th annual Banned Books Week, which is sponsored by numerous organizations including the American Library Association and endorsed by the Library of Congress. Promoting intellectual freedom by honoring freedom of speech and expression, this week celebrates the writings that some individuals have forced to be removed from public libraries, schools or other venues.

4 of the "Ten Most Challenged Books of 2006" were challenged in part because they contained a theme of "homosexuality." - ALA website

2. "Gossip Girl" series
Occassionally, the UTSA Allies Program blog expects to showcase books that may be of interest to LGBT students and their allies. If you would like to have your review of a particular book posted here, please post a comment or send us an email.

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